Partnering with Blue Herring

Your clients deserve more from their life, disability, long term care, and annuities insurance.

Our Story

Blue Herring’s two founders started where most others start in this industry: in an agency model that pushed consumers into buying insurance policies that netted the highest commissions, whether they needed them or not. We trained employees to sell, earned handsome bonuses for pushing certain products, and were flown around the world as a thank you for selling insurance. The only problem was, we weren’t sleeping well at night. Doing right by consumers had become secondary to making sales. Something had to change.

So we created Blue Herring to bring radical transparency and honesty to life, disability, long term care, and annuities insurance sales, setting a new standard for the industry and putting our consumers’ best interests first. So you can feel confident in choosing us as your insurance brokerage partner.

The fiduciary-preferred life insurance broker

How does our best-interest standard for insurance sales differ from the rest? Contact us to find out.

Our products and services

We believe in a team approach to providing the best insurance for your clients. Our expertise allows us to specialize in fixed life, disability, long term care, and annuities insurance.

  • Individual Life
  • Individual Disability
  • Key Person Life and Disability
  • Buy Sell Life and Disability
  • Investor/Bank Required Insurance
  • Trust Owned Life Insurance
  • International Life Insurance
  • Survivorship Life
  • Inforce Illustration Services

Get in touch

We’d love to talk about how we can help you deliver insurance solutions that are truly in your clients’ best interests.